
My Rides
This section provides a summary of the trips made within the period selected. Filter by statuses, drivers (if more than one driver) and date range which can be set to the last 24 hours, 3 days, 1week or 1month.

List of drivers linked to main profile.

List of vehicles linked to main profile.

Work Sessions
This section generates data related to the number of hours worked [online] within a given time period. Further details of each work session can be viewed by clicking on ‘more detail’.

A dashboard of hours worked within a given time period and the number of rides within those hours worked.
Financial Report
Dashboard view, displaying a summary of the balance collected from customers, the balance earned by the driver and final balance due within a given period.

Balance Report
Summarises the amount earned over the period of a month, less the cash payments, less commission due. This gives a summary of the total earnings within a month.

Any payment made from Blue to Partner or vice versa.